yeah, on the lastest days i have been blamming and protection alot, so im a scout now!
as long im banned from submiting im going to blam and protect alot...
comment here
oh, im going to, probly, make a quote of the week from diffrent forums etc.
quote 1#
first person(member):
"Too say that someone is a complete asshole isn´t flaming, thats a description"
secound person(moderator):
"send me the link so i can warn you"
Found an so epic quote at the one whit like only saves, you know, only 93 blames and over 80000 saves...
"thats good saving...what happen when you and most blammed collide? (in a way)"
"ever hear of the big bang? ;)"
toocool100 is epic...
"send me the link so i can warn you"
And thanks for making me a favorite author.
no problem dude